Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Update - 03-13-19

Just a quick update from the post on the 11th...

The dry intrusion from this extremely strong storm forced the precipitation rapidly east leaving much of the western part of Kansas with WAY less rain that was anticipated (or potential).  I'll update later this week with those amounts.  Thus, the inflow into HorseThief Reservoir, Clark and Cedar Bluff will be MUCH less, at least for now.

Here was the satellite image from this morning showing this extremely strong dry intrusion (the brown arrow) and the area of precipitation (highlighted green area)....

One big part of this storm will be the epic blizzard from northeast Colorado into northern Nebraska plus the tremendous wind gusts to the south of this storm.  By the time it's over, I bet we see some 80 MPH wind gusts across parts of the panhandle and southwest Kansas.  My guess is there will be a least a dozen pivot sprinklers overturned with other damage to weak structures.

I'll update again Friday.

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