There was very generous amounts across a large area. But there were also areas that did not receive much at all, which is very disappointing (and I hope it's not a trend).
In the last post I also discussed that soil temperatures would likely tumble. I only have Dodge City as an example, but indeed there was quite a drop. At 2 inches the temperature varies quite a bit from day-to-day anyway. But, there was a decrease from a high of 70 degrees to a low of 52. At the 4 inch depth, the variance went from 67 degrees down to 53. Also, because of the cloud cover, cold airmass and some precipitation recently, the average temperature during the past 23 days has also plummeted. At the Dodge City airport, the period from April 27th through May 19th tied as the third coldest on record. That is pretty significant. (click for a large version)

Now attention turns to a developing May pattern that will likely produce an extended period of daily severe weather. Initially this weekend the threat will be limited in width (but stretch quite a bit north and south - see the graphic).
For Saturday (approximate location of the greatest threat)
For Sunday (approximate location of the greatest threat)

If this rainfall prediction for the next week verifies, there will be parts of the far western high plains that will not have received much rainfall for May. Thus, we might start showing signs of drying out. I still am optimistic for at least June and into July, as far as rainfall possibilities and limiting the scorching windy heat. More on that later....
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